Pharmaceutical Export and Import Company

Named Patient Program

Healthcare Professionals and Patients could access the un-approval medicines by compassionate purpose by case by case in their own country.
Compassionate use would help patients connect to the world of innovation and genuine pharmaceutical medicine suppliers and manufacturers

Provide options or using unregistered drugs

Our mission is to get generally unavailable drugs for patients who need them.

There are many reasons for drugs not available to the general public, such as difficulties in treatment, the demand is too small for marketing because the drugs treat only very rare diseases. In order to provide options for patients in need for alternate treatments, some countries allow patients to get unapproved drugs through special arrangements or special clinical trials.

This kind of special arrangements for unapproved drugs have different names in different countries, such as Name Patient Program, Named Patient Import, Compassionate Use, Expand Access or Private Import Law, etc. However, they are basically the same regulation. also make arrangements for clinical trials in hostitals and clinics in Hong Kong and Japan.

  • Our purchase processess for the named patient program:
  • We search the product after receiving your product enquiries.
  • We send out our offer.
  • You receive product photos or product information.
  • If you need any additional information, please let us know.
  • We receive an order confirmation from you.
  • We send you the goods according the terms and conditions.
  • Please contact us if you have any question and we will accomodate orders of any size.

    Treatment options

    Doctors provide treatments to patients by means of appropriate pharmaceuticals . If there is no such pharmaceuticals, there is very little the doctor can do. The Named Patient Program is an option for doctors to get the right pharmaceutical to treat patients.

    Please contact us for any drug you need.